I need your help to find a creative, open-hearted solution to a major issue in my life:Despite my best efforts to the contrary, you remain the most important person in the world to me. I've given up trying to change this fact.
So now I’m trying to create a positive way to live with that reality—one that works for you… one that you can tolerate.
Preferably one that adds value to your life. One that brings happiness and joy to your life.
I need your openness, support, and creativity to help me find a path forward.
Thoughts on How I'd Set it to Music
My late 90's composition "3Jane" ( sets a precedent--as far as my work goes--for setting spoken word to music, though here I'd do something more upbeat and hopeful.There is the concept of "techno without a backbeat" that I've experimented with before; I'm thinking heavy use of samples, synthesizers, and electric instruments. Nothing acoustic. Nothing chordal. No melody. No harmonic rhythm. Just sound.
But major 3rds and major 7ths to establish the optimistic imagery I'm going for. No cheesy perfect 4ths since they will suck the life out of it. However, augmented 4ths (a la the Yaman raga) might be perfect.
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